What an interesting month we can expect this March with both restrictive, disciplined Saturn as well as Pluto changing signs.
What an interesting month we can expect this March with both restrictive, disciplined Saturn as well as Pluto changing signs.
The total Solar eclipse of 20th of April 2023 takes place in the anaretic degree of Aries which is very interesting. According to traditional bounds
What does that mean one may ask? Anaretic Degree in Astrology is when a planet enters the 29thdegree of a Zodiac sign from right up
February will be a great Month as all planets are direct in motion giving us the go ahead without any more hold ups.
My research into mundane astrology is raising some tough questions for me. The most fundamental is how to relate the state of the heavens to
We greet the New Year with the two fastest planets, Mars and Mercury, stationing before going direct, this as well as Uranus in his station
Jupiter is the greater benefic and aims to produce nothing but great things. Jupiter has the most expansive energy of all the planets with the
The querent already has one dog and was wondering whether to get another one. She was concerned about the two of them getting along because
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