February 2023 Newsletter

mountain pass during sunrise
February will be a great Month as all planets are direct in motion giving us the go ahead without any more hold ups.

So let’s put on our running shoes and with the thought of making our action within the realms of a structured manner, begin our new journeys with confidence.

As far as romance is concerned, Venus is in Pisces as I am writing this letter. Venus enjoys being in dreamy romantic Pisces, perfect timing for Valentine.

If you are in a relationship, do something special to show your love for each other. Just afterwards Venus will connect with Neptune who can be nasty and bring about disillusionment and disappointment in the area of things and people you desire, especially if your feelings were unrealistic in the first place.

For the first part of the Month we will still be dealing with the Mercury Mars shadows. This means that all the niggles and things that did not go according to plan, things that broke or stopped working will need to be attended to before we are out of the wood of these two challenging and connected retrogrades.

As Mars is still in Gemini we still need to be careful of how we communicate with each other. Mars in Gemini can be impulsive and speak or act before thinking. Just slow down and focus on what you want to do or say.

I know this for a fact as I have just been impulsive with a situation and made a bit of an embarrassing mess. Luckily I could take a step back and do a do over.

Mid Month we will find the energy to start acting on our innovative ideas, quick thinking and action will work well. Networking will amp up. Jus focus on the important things and try not be too scattered in the way you act.

Generally February is going to be a good month and will the month where we can begin to make plans for 2023.


This is a month where we are motivated to feel healthy. My spinning instructor share a brilliant quote from Dr Michael Greger

“Researchers have found that exercise often works just as well as drugs for the treatment of heart disease and strokes, and the prevention od diabetes. Exercise is medicine.”

As for the endorphins that rush into our bodies after a good walk, cycle or work out I am sure there is no better natural substitute than those we receive from exercise.

There is no excuse for those who are in an office all day, wall and chair aerobics can certainly help you reactivate you adrenaline and metabolism, clear your mind and energize your soul. Even waiting for a kettle to boil is an opportunity for a few squats or pushups against a free bit of wall.

Eating the summer fruits with all their anti oxidant nutrients will help you to fight off the allergies due to all the pollens we get in summer. The yellow vegetables and fruits are great for protecting your skin against the harmful rays of the sun.

Have a great February.

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About the author

Picture of Laurie Naughtin

Laurie Naughtin

Astrologer specialized in traditional, horary, and election astrology. Also experienced in magic and weather astrology. Principal and teacher at Sublunar Astrology Academy. Additionally, a tarot teacher and reader.

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