Why is the Moon so far out of bounds in 2023

10 YEARS OF AN OUT OF BOUNDS MOON: 2020 to 2030 If you look at the Grand Lunar Declination Dance in the image above, you will see that over 18 years, the maximum declination of the moon – both North and South – varies from a Minimum of 18 degrees in 2015 and 2034 to a Maximum of 28 in 2025. Secondly, the Moon is going to be Out of Bounds from 2020 until 2030 – with the Max OOB being in 2025. And how does that affect our world? For starters, 2020 will be a year that no one on Earth will ever forget!!

On the 2nd of November this year, when the giant Storm Cieran hit the Western Europe and the UK, the Moon was at 28 degrees North by Declination!! That is almost 5 degrees out of bounds. No other planet ever gets that far out of bounds. Declination is the dance of the Moon north and south of the Celestial Equator – which is simply the Earth’s Equator projected out into space perpendicularly.

The Lunar Node is at 24 degrees of Aries longitude by the Tropical Zodiac and will reach Zero degrees of Aries by the 29th of January 2025 – when the Moon reaches Maximum Out of Bounds. The Lunar nodes are intrinsically connected to these grand Lunar Maximum and Minimum Declination, both having the same 18.6 year cycle. Maximum Lunar Standstill happens at Zero Aries and Minimum Lunar Standstill happens at Zero Libra longitude.

What does that mean for us here on Earth?

Firstly it affects the weather. We saw Storm Cieran on the news – read more about that in my earlier blog for ASA https://astrologysa.co.za/the-astrology-of-storm-ciaran-1-to-4-november-2023-mighty-cylone-bomb/  And then there were golf ball sized hail storms breaking windows, damaging cars and roofs right here in Gauteng.

Secondly, it affects us! The Moon symbolizes our brains, our emotions and our intuition. There’s a reason why we have the word lunatic in our world. At New and Full Moons, some people can get extra emotional – their emotions literally can go out of bounds. By the same token, if we can keep our emotions at an even keel, there is the possibility that our intuition can go out of bounds in a positive way. In astrology, we always have the interplay of light and shadow – and the state of our physical, mental and spiritual health can dramatically affect how these events play out in our lives.


If you look at the Grand Lunar Decination Dance in the image above, you will see that over 18 years, the maximum declination of the moon – both North and South – varies from a Minimum of 18 degrees in 2015 and 2034 to Maximum of 28 in 2025.  

Secondly, the Moon is going to be Out of Bounds from 2020 until 2030 – with the Max OOB being in 2025.

And how does that affect our world?

For starters, 2020 will be a year that no one on Earth will ever forget!!

Let’s recap what happened in 2020:

  • 31st December 2019 – Respiratory illness outbreak in Wuhan reported to WHO.
  • 23th January – Wuhan under full lock-down
  • 30th January, the WHO declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global health
  • 2nd February – global air travel was restricted.
  • 11th March the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, its first such
  • designation since declaring H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009.
  • By April 2020, about half of the world’s population was under some form of lockdown, with more than 3.9 billion people in more than 90 countries or territories having been asked or ordered to stay at home by their governments.


Astrology in the 2020s:

12th January 2020: Heavy hitting Saturn met up with intense and destructive Pluto hitting degree of Jupiter – within one degree – in the subversive, secretive, hidden house of China’s National chart. Two days before the conjunction, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse amped up this conjunction and activated China’s hidden Jupiter.

The day before this meeting, Uranus – a planet that brings lightning bolts of shock and extremes “stood still”. When these slow-moving planets stand still, their effect is exaggerated. Serious extremes and major shocks were thus added to the stormy destruction of Saturn and Pluto.

The entire globe experienced traumatic cultural change.

The second big bell of 2020 was the Jupiter and Pluto conjunction in April, June and November marked a new 12-year cycle. This pattern is historically associated with the growth of international terrorism and big money. Terrorism is subversive and destructive – it’s not outright war, there are hidden motives, attacks that seemingly come out of nowhere but are secretly well planned and often executed with military precision.

The third and final big bell of 2020 was the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction which began on the 22nd of December. Jupiter and Saturn were known to the ancients as the Great Time Keepers. They meet up very 20 years – creating a Great Year Cycle which marks the development and evolution of social structures and redefines national identities over a twenty year period.

Considering that there were only two conjunctions in the previous ten years, we can see

that 2020, with three massive conjunctions, marked huge social change and this coincided with Moon going out of bounds each month as it waltzed North and South of the Equator each month.

In 2021 Stormy Saturn squared off with rebellious Uranus marking struggle of the Saturnian forces of heavy top down authoritarianism, heavy restrictions involving masks, lock down, police forces pitted against the powerful Uranian need of individuals for freedom at all costs!

In 2022 Jupiter met up with Neptune –bringing hope for positive change. Restrictions were lifted, we could travel the world again. Jupiter shows what is good and spiritual. Neptune at its highest vibration is also spiritual, at lower vibrations it is deceptive. In mundane astrology this pattern brings strong idealism, humanitarianism, unfolding of idealistic and religious belief systems. Jupiter-Neptune is also a weather signature of seismic events and freak storms. There were cataclysmic floods in KwaZulu Natal and around the world!

On the 21st of April 2024, we have good guy Jupiter getting together with rebellious Uranus. This is a capitalist-oriented cycle, and includes rebellion against the status quo, audacity and risk taking. It is associated with domination by the ruling powers.

The final Big Bell conjunction of the 2020’s happens on the 20th of February 2026: the meeting of Stormy Saturn and Nebulous Neptune. This 36 year cycle seems to be related to the growth of socialism or communism and also global world orders based on spiritual principles. I think both socialism and spiritually included governments will be seen in different parts of the world. It is also a time when the working people rise up against the powers that be. Saturn brings Storms and Neptune brings Freak Weather Events.


The 18.6 year Nodal Cycle cause changing tidal movements in all oceans and this affects:

  • Average temperatures
  • Distribution of moisture
  • Varying intensity of hurricanes
  • Seismic activity
  • Political trends
  • Economic activity

The Lunar Maximum Standstills are associated with extreme barometric pressures being measured. The low pressure system associated with Storm Cieran was so low that broke a record of more than one hundred years.

The ocean surface tides across the world are affected and Storm Centres which are associated with Low Pressure Systems track a path closer to the polar regions bring colder temperatures to the temperate regions of Earth as they move from West to East.

Lunar Minor standstills are linked with increased tidal forces leading to increased amplitude of tides and tidal flooding.

If you find Weather Astrology fascinating, I teach an online course in Advanced Weather Astrology where we look in more detail at what I’ve written about in this article. Currently, the first lesson of this course is available free on my Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDFX3ze5WLA&t=1988s  You are welcome to drop me an email at karenjames.skyguide@gmail.com with any questions regarding this article or the Advanced Weather Astrology Course and I’ll give you more information.

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Karen James

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