New Moon insights February 2024

New Moon insights February 2024

We have an electric month in February with a gradual build up of a stellium in the sign of Aquarius, where Pluto has recently taken up residence at 0 degrees of the sign. It is as if each planet entering Aquarius needs to pass the Plutonian sentry, appealing to us to scratch beneath the surface of things giving us a chance to regenerate outdated modes of being related to the way we think, the way we relate to others and the way we react. Even though Aquarius carries the vibe of coolness and detachment rather than high emotion, the transiting Moon which conjuncts Venus, Mars, Pluto, Mercury and the Sun all in a matter of 2 days is bound to stir up some pretty deep feelings, arguments and interesting conversation.  The New Moon on 10 Feb 2024 at 00:58 squares Uranus, throwing volatility, sudden changes, rude awakenings and surprise into the mix, providing a catalyst for the change you may have been thinking about making in your life. Although these transits involving the personal planets move at a fair speed, tuning into these planetary cycles on a daily basis assists us in developing our inherent multi-dimensionality.

Listed below are the transits occurring in Aquarius in February.

5 February 2024: 14°Aqu42’ SAST : Mercury conjuncts Pluto A perfect time for seeing your psychologist or therapist and digging deep into the psyche. Also good for intense (Pluto) intellectual (Aquarius) conversations (Mercury) that expose the gremlins, as well as brainstorming ideas, catching up on your journaling, writing poetry and even trying automatic writing. Anything involved with learning and communication is intensified. Combinations with Pluto tend to expose truth and with Mars close by, this transit could spark heavy, deep conversations that can result in arguments and quarrels. Or, if you are feeling the need to be alone and find time to sit in deep contemplation, some profound insights may emerge.

10 February 2024: 00°Aqu58’ SAST brings a New Moon in Aquarius, flavoured with a square by Uranus. Uranus, modern ruler of Aquarius (and all the planets present in the sign at this time), is pushing for change, a breakthrough, advancement or a shift. Some of us may experience the tension and disruption of this aspect. If inspired, take time to assess what might not be working for you. Where do you need a paradigm shift in your life? Journal your intentions and thoughts. Concurrently, Mercury, the planet of communication, rationality and adaptability is squaring Jupiter, the planet of growth, high aspirations, good fortune and faith, so avoid over-committing and don’t get down if expectations are dashed. If things do go pear-shaped, rather than getting uptight, ride the wave and look for the opportunity that hides behind the drama.

14 February 2024:  08°Aqu01’ SAST : Mars conjuncts Pluto While a passionate, electric and intense Valentine’s day might be on the cards for many, make sure that if you go on a date, it is with someone you trust. This aspect casts a dubious light on the day and urges caution.  The planet of love, Venus, is close to entering Aquarius, but is still lingering at the end of cool, conservative Capricorn, a mere 3 degrees away from the Mars Pluto conjunction. The day could be sprinkled with responsible, goal-orientated love and possibly long-term love commitment-making (Venus in Capricorn) and instant attraction (Mars), while on the other hand the more aggressive side of Mars could spark anger, forcefulness or a quarrel about underlying niggles in relationships. One thing is for sure: This combination makes for an interesting Valentines’ Day.

17 February 2024: 10°Aqu34’ SAST : Venus conjuncts Pluto Despite this transit potentially leading to upheaval or even endings in relationships, it can also deepen and intensify strong bonds that already exist.

All in all, don’t close yourself up to spreading your wings and learning new things in February, especially those that involve making the world a better place and creating a difference on a collective scale. And there is definitely a need to stay up to date with all the new developments where technology is concerned. You don’t want to get left behind.

On a side note: Make sure you stay warm if you are in the Northern Hemisphere. Stelliums in Aquarius can drop temperatures to below freezing, or bring severe lightening and storms.

Which part of your chart is being stirred up by this stellium?




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Picture of Sue Goutier

Sue Goutier

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