Astrologer of the Month December 2023

Featuring Astrologer for December 2023 is Lindi van Onselen from Celestial Odyssey. We invite you to read about Lindi van Onselen this month. She is an extraordinary Astrologer and an amazing person.

The universe, the night skies, the mystical power of the moon, angels, spirits, energies … this is what stirs my soul. I worked in IT as a computer software developer for 15 years but it never satisfied my soul, so I started studying esoteric, metaphysical and spiritual concepts and completed many courses: Core Regeneration, Reiki, Angels and Auras, Life Coaching, Colour Therapy, Palmistry, Crystals. Finally in 2017, I decided astrology was my true love and signed up for a 2 year course with Laurie Naughtin, and the rest as they say, is history. At the age of 50 and just having gone through my Chiron return I started studying with Laurie – isn’t that astrology working at its best? I knew I was going to use it in some way to guide people on their healing journey and ultimately their higher purpose.

Studying with Laurie opened my eyes to the inner workings of my soul and my mind. I started to understand myself for the first time … why I behaved in certain ways, why I made the choices I did. The process allowed me to make peace with myself in a lot of ways and make sense of some very difficult and traumatic periods in my life. I especially loved the chart progressions to see where things in my life were going and how I was growing and transforming on my destined path. It was hard work and took a lot of commitment but ultimately it was very rewarding.

One has to live and breathe astrology, know where the planets are and what they’re up to. I put in hours of research and in 2019 did mostly free readings, practising and perfecting my skills on family, friends and anyone who was interested … then in 2020 Laurie asked if I would like to do the one year Horary astrology course. I jumped at the opportunity and loved it even more than natal astrology. While I was at it (might as well do everything, I thought), I studied birth time rectification in the same year, a very important step in casting the birth chart.

I have been doing readings for a few years now using Traditional Western astrology and Horary. I incorporate Spirituality, Tarot and Empathic Healing into my readings and allow the energy of the reading to flow naturally according to the person I’m with. It’s a continual process of learning. The technicalities of reading a chart are a skill that is learned and perfected with practice, but the intuition and nuances that are also so important, come with time, as does the confidence to do a reading.

The rising consciousness on our planet has created the perfect time for people to use astrology to understand themselves, heal and awaken their soul. Whether they use it purely for themselves or consult as an astrologer and help others on the same path is irrelevant. It’s a tool to raise awareness of our journey here on this planet. Using mundane astrology to understand the bigger picture in world events is also helpful and insightful; we become aware that everything happens for a reason and cosmic order plays its part.

Astrology is part of my connection to spirit and the soul of the universe. It’s integrated into my life on a daily basis, the one thing I can’t live without – it’s embedded in my soul.

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Astrology SA

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