Astrological Insights: Navigating the New Year

Happy New Year! As we bid farewell to the challenging year that was 2023, we approach 2024 with a glimmer of hope. Last year, we experienced the erratic movements of planets, with many venturing beyond the bounds of the ecliptic. When a planet is out of bounds, it disregards the customary rules, leading to extraordinary events or appalling situations beyond the norm. However, in 2024, while some planets may still venture out of bounds, it won't occur as frequently as the previous year.

Happy New Year! As we bid farewell to the challenging year that was 2023, we approach 2024 with a glimmer of hope. Last year, we experienced the erratic movements of planets, with many venturing beyond the bounds of the ecliptic. When a planet is out of bounds, it disregards the customary rules, leading to extraordinary events or appalling situations beyond the norm. However, in 2024, while some planets may still venture out of bounds, it won’t occur as frequently as the previous year.

One significant aspect to consider is the Moon’s behavior throughout the year. As the ruler of our emotional responses, the Moon will go out of bounds twice a month for approximately five days each time. This accounts for one-third of the lunar cycle, contributing to the emotional rollercoasters we may experience. Alternating mood swings and moments of feeling good can leave anyone feeling a bit bi-polar. It’s important to be kind and gentle with ourselves and others, particularly those who may be more susceptible to emotional distress, such as individuals with mental illness.

In January, the new Moon in Capricorn will be out of bounds, urging us to contain and manage our emotions, even when we feel hurt. This lunar phase signifies a new beginning, and the emotional flow encourages a structured approach to life. As the month progresses, the Moon will go out of bounds again from the 21st, this time in Gemini. Emotional connections may become fleeting in this period, making it difficult to engage deeply in any given situation.

Mercury, the planet of thinking, communication, and movement, will be in direct motion from the 2nd of January. Its stationing and subsequent normal motion by the 12th of January indicate a shift towards structured thinking, travel, and spending. As Mercury enters Capricorn, practicality and structure will be favored in our thought processes.

In January, Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion, will also be in direct motion. However, its slow movement in a ponderous fixed earth sign suggests that we should carefully and gradually plan our future growth in a practical manner. It’s worth mentioning that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will continue to emerge as a significant force in our lives. Some discovered its possibilities in March and April of 2023, creating both intrigue and fear. Over the next 13 years, as Pluto remains in Aquarius, we can expect AI to play a transformative role, potentially bringing about innovative change and also posing destructive threats if misused.

The influence of Pluto, a planet of endings and transformative forces, in the fixed air sign Aquarius will drive change in areas associated with unusual concepts and off-the-board innovative ideas. Its effects are difficult to predict accurately, but it’s clear that AI will be one of the changes we witness. Depending on how it is harnessed, AI could be either positively innovative or maleficent, leading to destruction and replacement of human labour. It is important to approach this development with an understanding of its potential benefits and challenges, overcoming the fear of uncertainty to adapt and thrive in an AI-driven world.

In February, as Mercury enters Aquarius, freedom of thought takes center stage. This openness to exploring a broader range of ideas will be focused on personal freedom within the context of collective objectives. Saturn remains in Pisces, creating a dynamic where discipline and structure interact with the desire for boundless freedom. When working on projects with others, it is essential to strike a balance between structured approaches and flexibility, allowing for compassion and understanding. Saturn in Pisces can be particularly challenging for those with tendencies towards perfectionism or OCD.

Neptune continues its chaotic journey through Pisces, often causing erratic weather patterns and unexpected situations. Consulting an astrologer can provide valuable insights on how these celestial influences may manifest in your life. To receive accurate readings, it is crucial to have your time of birth available.

From a medical perspective, the turbulent nature of life can lead to reactive anxiety, overwhelming our brains with stress and negative impulses. To counteract this, it is advised to avoid stimulants such as alcohol, caffeine, smoking, sugar, and foods with preservatives. A balanced diet consisting of regular healthy meals, including a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, is essential for maintaining mental health. Additionally, prioritizing sleep and engaging in regular exercise can help manage stress levels and boost your overall well-being.

Wishing you all a healthy and happy 2024! For a more in-depth exploration of this subject, we invite you to read the full content on the Sublunar Blog post here.

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Picture of Laurie Naughtin

Laurie Naughtin

Astrologer specialized in traditional, horary, and election astrology. Also experienced in magic and weather astrology. Principal and teacher at Sublunar Astrology Academy. Additionally, a tarot teacher and reader.

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