Venus Queen of the Heaven

Venus is one of the ultimate Archetypes and so integral to our being we cannot differentiate between ourselves and our desires. We look at how the Venus Archetype features in our consciousness. If you have looked in the mirror or taken a ‘selfie’ Venus was right there with you, desiring to always look your best. It is no wonder because we base our relationships on how we look, and our looks attract certain types of people into our lives. Do they bring us lust, or do they bring us true love? Venus also dictates what and how we come by our possessions if we keep them or do we let them go. But we all need money or resources in some form or another. How does the Venus archetype feature in your Chart?

Venus is one of the ultimate Archetypes and so integral to our being we cannot differentiate between ourselves and our desires. We look at how the Venus Archetype features in our consciousness. If you have looked in the mirror or taken a ‘selfie’ Venus was right there with you, desiring to always look your best. It is no wonder because we base our relationships on how we look, and our looks attract certain types of people into our lives. Do they bring us lust, or do they bring us true love?

Venus also dictates what and how we come by our possessions if we keep them or do we let them go. But we all need money or resources in some form or another.

How does the Venus archetype feature in your Chart?

William Shakespeare quotes about love from Venus and Adonis: “Love surfeits not, Lust like a glutton dies; Love is all truth, Lust full of forged lies.

Aphrodite, the ancient Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty, was identified with Venus by the Romans. The Greek word aphros means “foam,” Hesiod relates in his Theogony that Aphrodite was born from the white foam produced by the severed genitals of Uranus (Heaven), after his son Cronus threw them into the sea. Aphrodite was, in fact, widely worshipped as a goddess of the sea and of seafaring; she was also honoured as a goddess of war, especially at SpartaThebesCyprus, and other places. However, she was known primarily as a goddess of love and fertility and even occasionally presided over marriage.

Venus is an elusive Goddess to write about, it is like catching seafoam in your hands the minute you touch it, it disappears.

Our desire for love, sex, and relationships is a story as old as the beginning of time. Pisces, where Venus is Exalted, is seen as the sign of the undifferentiated, unformed, unconscious, and Venus danced on the seafoam, a symbol for the collective mind, or soul of the world, where she emerged to act as a guide to the unconscious.

When she encountered her lover, she lied and said she was mortal and not a goddess. As the goddess of love and beauty, she is linked to Libra and relationships. We need to differentiate between love and relationships because coming together even in marriage is not always about love. Venus did engage in extramarital affairs with the God Mars. This relationship was more about sexual and romantic attraction than love.

Libra as the sign of relationships is more interested in the interplay of opposites, Venus’s beauty attracted men from all walks of life and from all over the world, where opposites are met and brought into harmony. We often attract partners that are opposites and then we try to change them into ourselves. Which brings conflict into our relationship.

Venus as ruler of Taurus exudes raw sensuality and enjoys the richness and earthiness of the world, both in body and nature. In Taurus Venus represents “what I possess”, and in Libra, she represents “Do I please you.” We like Venus need to be constantly validated, even though she is lovely. When with old age beauty fades, it becomes an issue like in the story Snow White when the beauty of youth starts to threaten the status quo.  

The Venus Archetype belongs as much to men as it belongs to women.

We deal with issues of self-worth and acceptance of self, which can only be developed when we start to love ourselves. We look at Venus’s position in the chart to see what makes people fall in love, and how they validate themselves. The true test is to look into the mirror or at that “selfie” and watch your thoughts. How many “selfies” do you take before you find the perfect one and still photoshop it?

When Venus rises before the Sun she appears as the “Morning Star”, when she conjunct with the Sun she disappears for a time, and legend says she descends into the underworld, becomes invisible, and finally appears as the “Evening Star.”

As the “Morning Star,” she is more impulsive in her relationships, looking for romance after she has served her term in the underworld she rises and becomes Queen of the Heavens. As the “Evening Star,” she is more mature in her relationships, and gives you her gift of Love, being more cautious, and reflective and bringing the transformative power of love to the relationship.

Venus in Aries

If you are looking for a passionate partner who will give you joint times of enjoyment this is where you look. They however become selfish at times and demand your co-operation, but they are lively, and energetic and can be fun to be with. Their attitude to money is enterprising, with high risk-to-ratio to losses, and often have a secondary source of income but money is easy come easy go.

Venus in Taurus

This is a loving, warm, affectionate albeit docile sensual, and romantic partner. They tend to become possessive, thinking you are one of their prized belongings. Material belonging brings security and stability, which is very important, they work hard to achieve luxury and comfort. They appreciate music, and love beauty, art, and good living, especially food.

Venus in Gemini

Communication with partners is excellent, and need for friendship as well as intellectual rapport. This individual can be fun-loving and lively, flirtatious, and may even dabble in polyamorous relationships. They can talk their way out of tough spots when the need arises. Welcomes partners that are stimulating, both intellectually and sexually. There is a flair for money-making, and a knack for finding, negotiating, and striking a good deal.

Venus in Cancer

Partners must win them over with love, intellectual rapport, and friendship are essential. This brings a much-needed rational streak to Cancer worrying about loved ones. Venusian Cancerians will be faithful while views will be sharply expressed. They make shrewd business partners, which is reflected in their deals.

Venus in Leo

Overexpression, and dramatic, scenes, are part of this person that will look up to you and admire you, with much encouragement and support. Bossiness comes with the package but can in time be turned into diplomacy and tact, you will have a rewarding partnership. Swipe right – sex life is exuberant with generosity of spirit. There is a desire to earn a lot of money to add to the richness and enjoyment of life and get considerable satisfaction from owning large companies. Make a very loyal friend.

Venus in Virgo

This partner brings a charming, delightful unassuming, and modesty to the relationship, but there is a tendency to critical acumen directed to the partner because they need emotional fulfilment. Once sexual inhibitions and tensions are left behind all aspects of the sexual relationship can be enjoyed. They are awesome I give practical advice to friends. Their finances may be viewed with a critical eye more in a gloomy way, even if it is not warranted.

Venus in Libra

Their attitude toward love is more romantic when placed in this sign. Affectionate, idealistic, may even fall in love with love. There is kindness, sympathy, and understanding, someone who stops to listen and lend moral support. A great love of beauty, rich foods, and a comfortable lifestyle extends to sexual relationships as well, with tact and diplomacy. Money is spent freely, and openly and they may be open to buy love and affection.

Venus in Scorpio

There is a need for rewarding harmonious, and loving relationships. Combined with intense passionate sexual desire and romance. There may be some jealousy, resentment, and unforgiving attitude at times, but a positive outlet through artistic interest brings relief to this intensity. The development of becoming a secure person is essential in this relationship. Unusual flair for investments and in business and can spend money excessively.  

Venus in Sagittarius

This Venusian dislike to be tied to one person, but the considerable enthusiasm and liveliness are very attractive. Again, happy in a polyamorous relationship, love and sex will be enjoyed, in a rewarding and exhilarating way. The philosophical, and intellectual elements are important for a meaningful expression in this partnership, both sex and intellectual stimulation are important. Money slips through the hands easily and burns the pockets.

Venus in Capricorn

Here the relationship is based on being committed, loyalty, and fidelity. Which can be restrictive. This can be inhibiting to the Venusian to go ahead and express themselves fully. When suppressed it can gush out at inappropriate times. Partners are often chosen as a status symbol, with the aim of a long-term material and emotional partnership. Money is spent with strategy in mind but always carefully.

Venus in Aquarius

Glitz and glamour and being the object of admiration are very important. Plenty of romance here, if the partner does not demand too many sacrifices from the Venusian. Sometimes the partnership is more desirable than the partner. Subtle and cool expression of emotions makes this a complex relationship. The home may reflect spending too much on glamorous styling but generally good with money.

Venus in Pisces

Venus is exalted in Pisces, and this brings a lot of emotional energy to the relationship. Their expression of love and affection is powerful and sincere. Make sure the person you are expressing it to is on the same page. Don’t be taken in by them, take care that you don’t deceive yourself, and face facts before you commit. Overcommitting to charitable people and organizations can lead to cash flow problems.

I found it enlightening that this sign is intertwined with money and sex through our desires. Go forth and look for true love, for it may be as elusive as foam on the ocean just dancing out of reach. Make it a quest to begin to love and accept yourself with warts and all, because that is the way that others love you.

Photo by Wellington Silva:


Mythic Astrology by Ariel Guttman & Kenneth Johnson

Parkers Astrology by Julia and Derek Parker

Alan Oken Complete Astrology

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About the author

Picture of Clesia van Zyl

Clesia van Zyl

Studied Rectification under Laurie Naughtin.
Completed Professional Diploma in Astrology from Rod Suskin School of Astrology.
Tarot readings, Dream Analysis, Certified Life Coach.
Spiritual Teacher and Vibrational Healer.

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