Mercury and Mental Health: Remember Your Remedy
Mercury Retrogrades’ free cosmic therapy can be an opportunity for minds to expand, pop and change. It doesn’t have to be the end of the world.
December 2023 Planetary Movements
Planetary movement affects your birth chart. This is a stressful time of the year, we all need to get things done. When you feel the pressure check out how the Planetary movement affects your natal chart, and then you will know how to calmly respond to the difficult situations that crop up.
Why is the Moon so far out of bounds in 2023
10 YEARS OF AN OUT OF BOUNDS MOON: 2020 to 2030 If you look at the Grand Lunar Declination Dance in the image above, you will see that over 18 years, the maximum declination of the moon – both North and South – varies from a Minimum of 18 degrees in 2015 and 2034 to a Maximum of 28 in 2025. Secondly, the Moon is going to be Out of Bounds from 2020 until 2030 – with the Max OOB being in 2025. And how does that affect our world? For starters, 2020 will be a year that no one on Earth will ever forget!!
Rowing the Boat: Saturn in Pisces
With Saturn at zero Pisces, how is your boat? Post-retrograde, we get to start again, but the waters are low-visibility murky and moody. We have to feel our way into the big round zero and full potential of this yin path.
Astrological Insights: Liz Truss and the Path to UK Prime Ministership
In this intriguing blog post, Nathan Naicker delves into the astrological factors influencing the UK’s political landscape and the rise of Liz Truss as Prime Minister.
New Moon on 13/11/2023 at 23°47′ Scorpio 11:27 SAST
New Moon on 13/11/2023 at 23°47′ Scorpio 11:27 SAST
Jupiter in Astrological Mythology
Hidden Meaning of Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus, this Archetypy touches our lives in ways we seldom recognize.
The Astrology of Storm Ciaran – 1 to 4 November 2023: mighty cylone bomb.
Astrological Signature – Storm Ciaran which rampaged across the Southern England and North Western Europe Shortly before midnight on 1 November 2023, a mighty cyclone bomb hit the UK, the Channel Islands and Western Europe. The most havoc was wreaked on 2 November. By 4 November things the storm had subsided leaving much damage in its wake. If you would like to see graphic footage of the storm, I recommend this four minute BBC video on Youtube.
Sublunar Blog Post November 2023
Sublunar Blog for November 2023.
By Laurie Naughtin
Transits 2023
We are now in the Scorpio Full Moon Solar Eclipse, a time of transformation when we let go of things that no longer serve us. Embrace vulnerability, while also staying true to yourself and releasing your grip.