March Astrology in Review: A Focus on Mercury’s Mischief

Greetings, Astrology enthusiasts! It seems even astrologers can be forgetful sometimes! While March is almost over, the planetary movements during this period offered some interesting insights, particularly with the influence of Mercury.

Mercury in Pisces

Greetings, Astrology enthusiasts! It seems even astrologers can be forgetful sometimes! While March is almost over, the planetary movements during this period offered some interesting insights, particularly with the influence of Mercury.

Mercury in Pisces: A Time of Fuzziness

The primary culprit for our forgetfulness and absent-mindedness this month was likely Mercury’s transit through Pisces. Pisces is a water sign known for its dreamy and emotional nature, which can weaken Mercury’s usual focus on logic and communication. This combination can lead to:

  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Increased daydreaming
  • Misunderstandings in communication
  • A rise in accidents due to carelessness

However, there’s good news! Mercury exits Pisces on March 11th, moving into the fire sign of Aries. This shift will bring a renewed sense of focus and motivation.

Mercury in Aries: Gearing Up for Action

With Mercury in Aries, we may feel a surge of energy and a desire to take initiative. This is a good time for:

  • Starting new projects
  • Expressing ourselves openly
  • Embracing personal freedom

However, it’s important to be mindful of our communication style under Aries’ influence. Words might come out faster than our thoughts, potentially leading to arguments.

Other Planetary Influences:

  • Saturn in Pisces: This combination can create a struggle to maintain focus and discipline. Patience and flexibility are key during this time.
  • Jupiter in Taurus: Jupiter’s placement in Taurus encourages practicality and responsible financial decisions.
  • Pluto in Aquarius: The long-term impact of Pluto in Aquarius is still being observed. This placement suggests potential social transformation and challenges to group structures.

Understanding Group Dynamics:

This month’s astrology also emphasizes the importance of understanding group dynamics. Regardless of our personal beliefs, navigating social settings requires respecting group values and customs.

A Final Note: Brainpower Boost

As a bonus tip to combat forgetfulness, the article mentions the potential benefits of turmeric for brain health. Curcumin, an antioxidant compound found in turmeric, may help increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels, potentially improving memory function. View this article for more details:

Looking Deeper:

This blog post provides a brief overview of March’s astrological influences. To delve deeper and explore the full article, visit Sublunar Astrology:

We hope this information helps you navigate the remaining days of March and prepare for the astrological shifts to come in April!

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About the author

Picture of Laurie Naughtin

Laurie Naughtin

Astrologer specialized in traditional, horary, and election astrology. Also experienced in magic and weather astrology. Principal and teacher at Sublunar Astrology Academy. Additionally, a tarot teacher and reader.

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