Astrology Enthusiasts’ Astro-Guide to “Beckham” – Episode 4

Part Four of the Astro-Guide on the Netflix Series ‘Beckham’ Episode Four, ‘What Makes David Run’, by Deborah-Anne Swanepoel – Cigno Astro.

This is the fourth and final article in the four-part Astrology Enthusiasts’ Astro-Guide to the popular Netflix Documentary Series ‘Beckham’.  We previously covered Episodes 1, 2, & 3 of the series, exploring the Astrology of David Beckham’s life, through the extraordinary coverage of it in this critically acclaimed, and hugely successful production for Netflix. So, if you have not read the preceding parts of the Astro-Guide, and would like to, we recommend you find them on the Astrology South Africa Blog, under the same Author. 

Spoiler Alert:  If you have never heard of this Netflix series and would like to watch it first before reading our Astro-Guide, then we suggest you stop reading now!

The fourth episode begins with the title “What Makes David Run”

Clever directing from the production team takes us from a young David Beckham’s bedroom, uncommonly tidy for someone at that age, to his adult present-day home, revealing the painstakingly neat and colour-coordinated clothing in his closet, which he claims he organises and arranges himself. There is something obsessive about how meticulously organised everything is. We are reminded of his natal Pluto in Libra in the 6th house.

The episode kicks off with the August 2003 La Liga match, Real Madrid vs Real Betis. Ronaldo Nazario, and Roberto Carlos, are interviewed in this segment and talk about how they would go out after they won. David liked Caipirinhas. Roberto, David, Figo, joked about who would get to try to take the free kicks between them.

The secondary progressed chart for this time of David’s life, shows the progressed moon in Aquarius in the 9th House; moon ruler of the second house, second house cusp in Cancer, indicating social popularity and financial success, …and women. Victoria says, “This was a time when anything he touched turned to gold.” She had dubbed him “Golden Balls”.

In Humanistic Astrology, David’s Jupiter would be considered Oriental – rising before the Sun, Jupiter then being the Guiding Planet/Skill Symbol, meaning having a predisposition to a prestigious career, social and economic power, “…driven to seek power and positions of wealth and status…” […] “…yet there might be a bit of a snob or money-chaser beneath the finesse” [~Meyer, M.R. – ‘Your Guiding Planet’].

Besides being Out Of Bounds by declination, David Beckham’s Natal Venus is also Conjunct Fixed Star Capella (0.11’) in the constellation Auriga – at 21Gem51’ as of 2000.  “Ptolemy said that the bright stars resemble Mars and Mercury. Robson connects the star to honours and wealth, renowned public position, and a love of learning. Ebertin (E.&R.) links the star to inquisitiveness and curiosity and indicates that this star can make a person “odd.” Rigor (J.E.) agrees with Robson (V.) and adds ambition, as well as a tendency to become envious and have many problems” [~Brady, B. – ‘Book of Fixed Stars’].

Interviewed on a Jonathan Ross show, Victoria was asked whether she ever felt jealous about all the female attention Beckham was receiving, and she claimed a certain amount of jealousy in a relationship was healthy. Did she realise when she said that at the time, what pain was to come in their marriage?

On 4 April 2004, news broke out of an affair between David and his personal assistant in Madrid, Rebecca Loos. Beckham originally denied a lot of what was reported in the press as being ridiculous.

For the first time there was matrimonial difficulty for a match that seemed to have been “made in heaven”, as their marriage faced intense public scrutiny. David’s Mars by Secondary Progression was in Aries in the 11th House, and Venus had progressed to Cancer in the 2nd House.  The fiery passionate drive of Mars in a social context, at odds with devoted love and marriage while his wife was in another country; all the while Venus was attracting material gain, popularity, wealth and success for him.

With this news of infidelity, we scrutinise David’s Venus Out Of Bounds again. “Venus energy includes values of all kinds, self, material and philosophical – how and what we value about ourselves, tangibles (including that old devil money) plus ethics and morals (including the use of power; thereby the potential for complete corruption).” [~Kelly, M. – ‘Venus Out Of Bounds’, Weird Astrology].

Rebecca Loos’ reaction after the release of the Netflix series accused Beckham for not holding himself accountable enough for his part in their ‘corruption’.  Ms. Loos, married and tucked away in Norway, not expecting to face attention over the affair ever again, received a shock to the contrary when the series aired. Ms. Loos perhaps does not realise that Beckham’s reticence on the subject, amongst other things, is exactly what we would expect from David Beckham according to his astrology. In part two of the Astro-Guide we already covered that Beckham’s natal Chiron is in the 12th House, pointing to someone who has difficulty opening up to others, and who deals with repressed pain in private; that his Capricorn Moon would make him appear calm and composed on the outside; and that his natal Saturn in Cancer in the 3rd house, would be cautious and reserved, cautious about revealing vulnerabilities, exhibiting emotional restraint, having difficulty expressing his emotions.

Beckham’s natal Venus is also Conjunct the Fixed Stars in the Constellation of Orion; Bellatrix: – “With Venus: Much suffering through love affairs owing to unrestrained feelings”.  Beckham shares this Fixed Star Bellatrix Conjunct Venus with people such as Courtney Love and Elon Musk. Huge success can be achieved, but by having to face the shadow, and having personal weaknesses exposed. [~Brady, B.]. Fixed Star Mintaka: “With Venus: Public position, enmity of women, love disappointments.”

Besides Rebecca Loos, there were also other women, such as Sarah Marbeck (in Singapore), Celina Laurie (in Denmark), and Danielle Heath (in Madrid), who had made claims to have had affairs with David Beckham.  Loos reported that David would repeatedly tell her “I know we shouldn’t be doing this, but I can’t help it. It makes me so happy” [~Business Insider]. We note in David’s natal chart that his Venus/Neptune midpoint is in Opposition to his natal Mars. “Venus/Neptune: …Receiving pleasure when evading or deceiving others; […] Deception thru romance; an imperfect understanding of romantic love; nebulous promises of affection become easier to believe and cling to; neglect of your partner’s satisfaction, or your partner neglects you.” [~Munkasey, M. – ‘Midpoints, Unleashing The Powers Of The Planets’]. Also, Sarah Marbeck claimed that David would use ‘Peter Pan’ fantasy code names, like ‘Tinkerbell’ for her and ‘Wendy’ for Victoria, to add secrecy to his text messages to her.  “Venus/Neptune with Mars: Actively pursuing deceptions and disguises as a way of life; added courage when attempting to evade a situation, or escape from difficult surroundings; ….” [~Munkasey, M.].  Astrologer Jeremy Neal points out the Venus/Neptune halfsum (midpoint) “…is tempered by a certain inevitability toward disappointment…”.

Applying the ancient timing technique of Firdaria to David’s natal Day Chart, we note between 2004 and 2006 David Beckham experienced his Venus sub-period of his Mercury planetary period. How evident it was that he was dealing with a spotlight and focus on the typical Venusian topics and themes of love, connections, values, women, sensuality and sexuality, pleasure, luxury, art, money, food (Rebecca Loos said David would ask her to take him through the back-streets in Spain so he could explore and experience the local Spanish cuisine), and of course his marriage with Victoria, during this planetary period of his life.

In 2006 David whisked Victoria away from Spain to London to renew their wedding vows, and then for a “whirlwind” night in Paris.  Even though the South Node Conjunct Venus synastry feels so fated; love at first sight; falling fast; head over heels in love; it has its downsides too, like everything else. The dangers are the risk of stagnation and complacency in the relationship, (which is perhaps what happened with Victoria and Beckham, with his affair with Loos); overt emotional dependence on each other can lead to suffocation and controlling behaviour; a lack of healthy boundaries can lead to a loss of self-identity and independence. It is so crucial to maintain a healthy empathic balance between the needs of self and needs of the partner, to ensure (with perseverance) having a match that can last forever and endure all adversity and odds.

In synastry, Victoria’s South Node is conjunct David’s Venus, her Sun is Conjunct Beckham’s Chiron, and her Uranus is Conjunct his Vertex (or electric axis).  There is so much karmic connection between these two, they are literally catalysts for each other’s healing and transformation, inspiring each other to evolve, and be their authentic selves. Therefore, they seem to be able to battle it out, and weather their storms, and then afterwards once again bask in each other’s love and glory, of their separate achievements, and that of their family together. No wonder they renewed their wedding vows, to renew their commitment to each other.

David remarks how he has no idea how they survived what they went through in Spain, but that they needed to fight for each other and for their family, and that ultimately it was their private lives that they had to contend with it.

After the first season, Victoria arranged for the children to go to School, and the family moved permanently to be together. The downside of all the honours and wealth was dealing with the nightmare of the relentless paparazzi in Spain. Being completely honest with herself and the world, Victoria said she resented David for it. Even their school run was aired live on Spanish TV. Their time in Spain was the most unhappy Victoria had ever been in her life. She talks of not necessarily feeling unheard at the time, but only because she chose then to internalise much of what they went through, always mindful of the focus David needed for his football. In Victoria’s natal chart we note her Moon is Sesquiquadrate her natal Ascendant, signifying a tension between her inner emotional security, and that of expressing herself authentically, balancing her desires with the expectations of others.

February 2005 Victoria was pregnant with their son Cruz. David missed her elective C-section at the Ruber Hospital in Madrid on the 20th, because he chose to do a photo-shoot with Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce instead. How did Victoria feel about that? In her own words: “Posh was p***** off.”  We note David’s 2004 and 2005 Solar Return (SR) charts both reveal his SR Sun Square his SR Neptune, accounting for this transient non-committal, head-in-the-clouds avoidance of responsibility. Furthermore, Neptune is the apex planet of his Yod, in Opposition to his Sun/Saturn zodiacal midpoint (or halfsum [Neal, J.; Bonati, G.]), again referencing a negligence of responsibilities – an erosion of his sense of duty at times. “Uncertainty about how to structure one’s life so as to meet goals.” [Sandbach, J.]

On 17 June 2004 David Beckham experienced his Saturn return. Real Madrid lost four games in a row, and they were spiralling out of control into chaos. Florentino Pérez started hiring and firing Real Madrid Managers and Coaches in succession, first Carlos Queiroz, then Antonio Camacho, Remón, Luxemburgo, eventually Florentino Pérez himself resigned as President. During that time Real Madrid did not win anything.  This made David Beckham feel really unsettled as a footballer, who had only ever been accustomed to having one Manager throughout his duration at Manchester United.

Italian Coach Fabio Capello was appointed Manager of Real Madrid on 5 July 2006.  According to Michel Salgado, Capello needed to dissolve the Galácticos atmosphere, and be tough on the players. With some astro analogy – (which we love!), and with obvious respect for their skills and abilities, Fabio Capello describes the Galácticos as being “players from another universe, falling straight from the stars to the Club”.  He was a tough, strict Manager, who made the players nervous. Beckham made a point of saying he loved that about Capello, but Ronaldo did not like his hard-line approach so much.

Capello found the squad lacking in discipline, and as a result found them difficult to manage. Reports surfaced that had to be dealt with, from players like Ruud van Nistelrooy, who complained of alcohol in the dressing-room. Ronaldo seemed to have been the main instigator encouraging his team-mates. Perhaps this is part of the reason Capello was not so popular with these two. Capello benched Beckham and Ronaldo for two successive matches, and suddenly Beckham was not certain about his future at Real Madrid. It killed Beckham’s spirit to be benched. Beckham only started five of the sixteen League matches with Real Madrid that season, which hugely frustrated him.

Astrologically, we see in July 2006 transit Mars was square Beckham’s natal North Node. This transit can indicate a lack of discipline, and power struggles with others, limiting one’s success. Furthermore, David’s Solar Return (SR) chart for 2006 shows his SR Sun in Square aspect to his SR Saturn, a clear indication of a difficult relationship with an authority figure, difficult obstacles that would need to be overcome.  Being benched successively certainly would have caused Beckham to “feel isolated and alone, generating inner feelings of bitterness and frustration” [~Heese, A. – ‘Solar Return Sun Aspects’].

In July 2007 David signed a $250 million contract to play for LA Galaxy in America. Tim Leiweke, the CEO of AEG, which owned LA Galaxy, recognized that putting Beckham on a bench would frustrate him, and might make him consider moving to America. After Tim Leiweke’s initial meeting with Beckham at a restaurant in Madrid, Fabio Capello called David and told him he had heard David was talking to other Clubs, and therefore he would not be playing for Real Madrid again.

Victoria was excited to be moving from Spain to America, as the move would be so much easier for her and the kids, in terms of finding a house, and schools for the children. Both David’s and Victoria’s planetary periods for this time of their lives in 2007 were the Moon, her sub-period Saturn, echoing their moving home from Madrid to Los Angeles (LA) and the numerous changes in their lives.

David was stilling working out his contract with Real Madrid in January 2007. The Real Madrid board found his announcement to leave so offensive, that Fabio Capello made David train on his own, separate from his team-mates. David had to sit in the box with his family to watch the games, and even though the team wasn’t winning, he wasn’t given a chance to play.  But, …he kept going back to training every day, something which made Victoria incredulous. As he puts it, even though they didn’t want him, he wanted to be there.

David Beckham’s admirable perseverance and dedication no doubt points to his Pluto in Libra in the 6th House, his Midheaven Conjunct his 29 degree Moon in Capricorn, and his Mars Trine Saturn natal aspect. His commitment took Capello by surprise. The other Real Madrid players begged Capello to let David back in, so Capello approached the President and told him he was going to let David play again. In David’s own words, “I don’t give up easy. I don’t give up.” He felt once again like he needed to prove a point, and with him scoring again, Real Madrid were on a winning streak once more. 

Unfortunately, his final match with Real Madrid vs RCD Mallorca on 17 June 2007, which would be the decider for them to win the League, David injured his achilles heel, and he had to be substituted before the end of the game. Real Madrid still won without David scoring, but they won as a team, as friends. David had learnt that winning as the hero was not everything, that ‘connection’ with his team-mates, and winning together as a team, was far more meaningful. Interestingly, Asteroid 16 Psyche is Conjunct Beckham’s Chiron at 25 degrees Aries – the astrological significance of Asteroid 16 Psyche alluding to self-reflective revelations, and the metamorphosis of forming soulful connections. Asteroid 273 Atropos is also Conjunct Beckham’s Chiron at 25 degrees Aries – Asteroid 273 Atropos signals transformation and endings.

It gets more interesting. We know David Beckham injured his left foot, specifically the second metatarsal in his left foot, on 10 April 2002 in the Champions League match between Manchester United vs Deportiva de La Coruña. Later after this injury, on live television the spoon-bending psychic, Uri Geller, asked the nation to collectively place their hands on their TV sets and meditate to help psychically heal David Beckham’s left foot. “Send him healing energies, visualise the bone knitting together, unleash your healing powers. Send the energy to that foot.” On 6 and 17 June 2007 Beckham injured his left ankle again, and on 14 March 2010, he ruptured his left achilles tendon.  While not being well-versed in Medical Astrology, it is interesting to read that people with Mars in Pisces in their natal charts, like David Beckham, are prone to foot injuries. [Raphael (Smith R.C.); Nauman E.; Hill, J.]

After Real Madrid won the League, everyone began speculating whether it would entice Beckham to stay in Madrid for another two or three years, but he remembered they had benched him. Victoria had already made all the arrangements for their move.  Ultimately, as he put it, it was about what he and Victoria wanted, and they wanted to leave Spain and go live in America for the freedom, the comfort, and privacy.

Their reception in America was just next level – helicopters following them from the airport to their new home. Tom Cruise and Will Smith threw them a welcome party, which could easily have rivalled the Oscars after-parties, complete with Stevie Wonder singing at the piano.

On 9 August 2007, DC United vs LA Galaxy, David played his debut match at RFK Stadium in Washington DC, after having nursed his ankle injury he incurred in Spain. David was initially shocked at the level of Major League Soccer in America, and this makes one wonder just how much research did he actually do before deciding to go there? We are reminded of Neptune opposing his Sun/Saturn midpoint again. His mother went out to watch his first match, and she chuckles when she remembered thinking to herself, “What have you done?”  Everybody thought it was ‘career suicide’.

Salary caps prevented signing big names in Major League Soccer in America, with David Beckham being the exception, therefore he was playing alongside the likes of pool-cleaners and gardeners, with no real professional talent equalling him to contend with. He would set up a ball, expecting someone to be running for it on the field, and there would be nobody to receive it. The pitch would still have American Football lines on the field which they were played on, and he chuckles when he recalls how confusing that was for him. All of this was hard for Beckham to deal with, as he is the ultimate obsessive perfectionist. 

Significantly, looking at the transits at the time, Pluto was Inconjunct David’s natal Mercury, a time of intense mental evaluation for him, compelling him to adapt and transform his opinions and beliefs on certain topics, coming into conflict with others as a result, and having to encounter, learn, and respect diverse perspectives. Pluto was Retrograde, and transiting his 8th House of shared resources.

Transit Mars was opposing his natal North Node, and transit Sun opposing his Part of Fortune. The longest non-winning streak of David’s career, twelve games with no wins. Words like, “it was a disaster”, “we sucked”, was how it was described. It got to the point where it got embarrassing, and David was not happy. There was the juxtaposition again between him and Victoria, one happy and the other not. The Producers were quite clever to cut from him saying he was not happy, to her saying she was happy, …so happy! A classic example of their synastry covered earlier on in this Astro-Guide.

Victoria describes how LA was a great place to live with their family, and that living there allowed her to let go of a lot of pain. She comments how LA is like rehab for famous people. There was privacy at their children’s schools, which meant the paparazzi could not harass them, and they would not be harassed while eating out at a restaurant.  They finally felt settled, and Victoria said she felt at peace. 

But…, David had “an itch that needed scratching”. That itch, we think, is probably his natal Uranus at 29 degrees in Libra in the 6th House squaring his natal Midheaven (MC) in Capricorn. The Uranus Square MC natal aspect is an expression of freedom, a fierce driving force of independence, and expression of one’s identity in one’s livelihood, often at the expense of or at the risk of alienating others, hurting family members, and moving or relocating often. Sound familiar?

Fabio Capello was announced as the new England Manager, and he informed David Beckham that if he wanted to make the England squad to represent his country at the 2010 World Cup in South Africa, he would need to be playing in a major league European team at the highest level, such as AC Milan.

David thought Victoria totally understood, and it is entertaining for us to watch how she recalls the total opposite – “What?”! They had just moved from the one side of the world to the other side of the world for Beckham, and he wanted to uproot his family again and move back to Europe?  Victoria was really upset.  David’s move back to Europe meant she would have to stay at home with the kids in LA, while he went off to Europe.  Their planetary periods at this time, using the ancient Firdaria timing technique, Moon subperiod Jupiter for David, and Moon subperiod Mars for Victoria, echo him flying off to a different country, her decorating their home and exploring her LA neighbourhood, yet dealing with the unsettling news of David leaving again, and her needing to re-assert her needs.

As David summed all of this up, “I was thinking about me.” […] “Doesn’t matter what any of you think.” He was not thinking of his family, he was not thinking of his team-mates, and using his words, he was “selfishly” thinking about himself. Besides his natal Uranus MC Square described earlier, we also cannot help thinking of David’s Yod here, the Sun Inconjunct Neptune, unrealistically directing his energies, and not pausing to get feedback from the important people in his life. Neptune as the apex planet in his Yod, is found in his 7th house of marriage and partnerships. The other inconjunct is between Saturn and Neptune, which kind of makes you think of him having a love/hate relationship with his muse.

David would do anything to have an opportunity to play for his country England in the World Cup in South Africa. Victoria, yet again, was left at home with the kids. In October 2008 it was announced that LA Galaxy had agreed to allow Beckham to go play for AC Milan on loan in January 2009 for six months. Then David decided that he was enjoying it so much, he wanted to make it a permanent arrangement, but Tim Leiweke, the owner of LA Galaxy, emphatically would not allow it.

To a home-grown American talent like striker, Landon Donavan, who played for LA Galaxy, it was frustrating and insulting, and so he lambasted David Beckham publicly, for which Beckham criticized him for being unprofessional. 

LA Galaxy played a friendly against AC Milan on 19 July 2009.  The crowds were booing David Beckham and calling him a traitor. However, he said he was not going to stand for it from his own fans. In his interview he said he totally understood the crowds’ mood towards him, and that he would have felt exactly the same way, but during the match he lost his cool and walked up to the crowd to confront them. 

One can’t help notice how different his reaction was from how he dealt with the abuse England fans gave him, when they lost the World Cup qualifier in 1998; public abuse which he tolerated a lot more and for a lot longer. What was different?  We see by 19 July 2009, David’s natal Moon in Capricorn and natal Mars in Pisces, had both evolved to the Cardinal Fire sign of Aries by Secondary Progression, meaning he would be more likely to be short-tempered and reactive. His progressed Mars was also Conjunct Jupiter, in the 11th house.

Tim Leiweke and the LA Galaxy Coach Bruce Arena decided enough was enough with the bad press and internal rivalry, and called a meeting between Landon Donovan and David Beckham. Landon Donovan apologised to David Beckham, who replied saying he respected Landon for doing so. The Coach too reminded David Beckham that LA Galaxy was to Landon Donovan what Manchester United had been for David Beckham, and that is when the penny dropped for Beckham.

From then on David Beckham was on a mission to make his stint at LA Galaxy a success. David remembered his responsibility to the MLS, and he remembered his responsibility to his family. He had to make it work, and he did.

We note specifically thus, on 21 July 2009 there was a Total Solar Eclipse (Saros Series 11 South [1360-2604]), the longest duration of an eclipse in 21st century history, and therefore astrologically strong in intensity. We know astrologically that solar eclipses are our spiritual ‘fast forwards’, heralding change, release, and new beginnings. Bernadette Brady wrote “this family of eclipses is concerned with the need to make sudden reforms” [‘Predictive Astrology, The Eagle and the Lark’].  In the eclipse charts we see the Total Solar Eclipse was exact at 29 degree Cancer, and took place in Beckham’s 4th house, separating Opposition to his Midheaven (MC); applying 25 arc minutes to an Opposition to his 29 degree Capricorn natal Moon, and applying Square to his natal Uranus in the 6th House. Incredibly obvious how it was a time for David Beckham to contemplate his priorities between home and family, and with Uranus opposing Saturn and squaring Venus in the Solar Eclipse chart, a time to address his relationships with his team-mates on and off the pitch.

Between David Beckham and Landon Donovan, they brought LA Galaxy to a win in the 2011 MLS Cup Final against Houston Dynamo.  Winning the 2011 MLS Cup Final, David cites as one of the most rewarding moments in his career. After six years with LA Galaxy David ended his contract in his last match, retaining the MLS Cup in 2012, to universal acclaim from his fans.

David and his family returned to England.  Then, as Victoria puts it, “…he pulls a David Beckham special – “I’m moving”,…”, and she responded again with “What?”! There we see David’s Uranus Square Midheaven natal aspect come into play again. For David, he was not retiring, and was happy to accept an invitation to go play for Paris Saint Germain (PSG) to help them win the League. On 24 February 2013 saw Beckham’s debut match with them against Olympique de Marseille.  David shared how he felt he loved the game of football more than anyone else in the world, even though that may not be true – he felt that he did.

However, he started noticing he felt physically different from then on, than before – his body was not recovering as quickly after matches, it felt beaten up, hurting, aching. Victoria also noticed he looked shattered, and remembered thinking, “It’s time.”

It was tough coming to the decision to retire, but on 18 May 2013 Beckham played his last and final match with Paris Saint Germain vs Stade Brestois 29 – they had already won the league.  It was an incredibly emotional moment for him, but he knew it was the right decision to have made. Transits for that historical day marking the end of his 20-year football career saw transit Sun Conjunct his natal Ascendant and Trine his Midheaven, transit Venus Sextile his natal Jupiter, transit Jupiter Conjunct his natal Venus, and transit Uranus Conjunct natal Jupiter, certainly a send-off chart if there was one.

David goes on to share in his interview how he and Victoria tried to raise their children in a ‘normal’ way, but as a father who was England Captain 59 times and won 115 caps for his country, and a mother who was Posh Spice, in his words, their children could have turned out to be real “sh***”, but David thinks they are not, and he is grateful and proud of that.

David and Victoria spoke about how making the Netflix series was real therapy for them, which helped them to process a lot of what transpired in their lives, that it helped them realise how grateful they are for what they have in each other and their children. It was good for them to be able to re-visit and process a lot of things, a cathartic, emotional release.  Victoria said they felt relaxed and happy, and Beckham smiled and responded that he was not ready to pass the baton on just quite yet.

Erica Cantona and Gary Neville proceeded to discuss how football is like a drug, how football players have addictive mindsets that they have to direct towards something; they become addicted to the adrenaline they get from the crowds in the stadium and they feed off that in chasing their performance on-field.  When they retire their bodies have to adjust physiologically to being deprived of that drug.  Gary Neville commented that they have to have something to pursue in the vacuum that is created upon retirement. In the transits for the final match day of his career it is obvious David Beckham would have been hatching his future plans, even before he left the field for the last time as a professional football player.

So, as predicted, the very next day Beckham flew to Miami to announce he would be starting a new Major League Soccer team, Inter Miami. His mentality was to not just sit and reflect on what he had just achieved, but to keep moving forward in his life. Astrologically, David Beckham has his Midheaven on his Sun/Jupiter midpoint:  “Persevering against all odds and despite the obstacles; using your good luck and leadership skills to bring goals and projects to perfection in life; renown and rewards for efforts which you have already pursued and finished.” [Munkasey, M.]  and, “Successfully rising to positions of power and/or authority. Success through other people looking up to you, or admiring your integrity. Having a good reputation, and that resulting in success.” [Sandbach, J.]  Even at the pinnacle of his football career, even after hanging up his boots, David Beckham still went on to attempt to continue achieving great things in his life.

David always wants his team to win, with the best players, with the best possible team. So next David Beckham signed ‘Leo’ Messi as Inter Miami Number 10, which was one of the most profound things to happen in football history. Astrologically, Lionel Andrés Messi is not a Sun Leo, being an Aquarius Rising/Ascendant, Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Cancer, and a Gemini Moon. The loyalty between these two, however, speaks volumes, as Messi, being arguably one of the best footballers in the world, could have signed with anyone. We can attribute their loyalty to each other to David Beckham’s Jupiter being Conjunct and Parallel to Lionel Messi’s lunar North Node in their synastry charts, indicating mutual support and encouragement, and shared philosophies. “This emotional generosity extends not only towards each other but also towards others in their lives. The first person’s expansive and benevolent nature is likely to inspire the second person to embrace a more generous and empathetic approach to their relationships and interactions with the world at large. Together, they amplify the energy of selflessness and compassion, making a positive impact in the lives of those around them.” [AstroMatrix, ‘Jupiter Conjunct North Node].  This reminds us of the headlines when Inter Miami sent one of Messi’s shirts to a little girl, and all the many charity initiatives and collaborations with Unicef that they do.

The final scene of the series was shot on Beckham’s private football pitch at his home in Great Tew, with Beckham playfully kicking ball with his son Romeo, chiding each other with competitive banter, Beckham telling his son one day he’ll get to be like him. Whether he realised it or not, or whether the Producers did it intentionally or not, but David Beckham can definitely be seen here as ‘passing on the baton’ to the next generation. We have to remind ourselves, even without fame and fortune, there is no better legacy to leave behind, but that part of ourselves which we leave behind in the memories of those closest to us, our loved ones, our family, our children.

We hope you enjoyed reading this final instalment of the four-part Astrology Enthusiasts’ Astro-Guide to the popular Netflix Documentary Series, ‘Beckham’, as well as all four parts of the Astro-Guide in total together.  David Beckham, and his family and colleagues, like all us humans and our various relationships, are complicated, with inexplicable depth and complexity.  The Netflix documentary series attempted, with much acclaim, to give a brief snapshot/overview of Beckham’s life and character, and there were many things left out, like him obtaining his OBE to name just one example. Our Astro-Guide, in using the Netflix series as a reference guide, therefore only too scratched the very surface of what astrology, and advanced astrology, is able to delineate and identify in people’s lives and relationships, but there is more, oh so much more depth that can be attained!  We can never attempt to ‘re-write’ someone else’s ‘Book Of Life’, however, but we can always learn from each other, learn from each other’s achievements, and learn from each other’s mistakes.  There is much to be admired and respected about fallible humans processing and owning their evolutionary humanness, irrespective of what part of their journey they are on, and sharing it with the world like the Beckhams did. What we humans choose to learn from each other, in order to better the world we live in, if only to be inspired to inspect our inner-selves first, is entirely up to each and every individual.

Written by Deborah-Anne Swanepoel – Cigno Astro ©
For Astrology South Africa
01 July 2024

Deborah-Anne is an eclectic astrologer observing various astrological systems and techniques, who believes our personal stories remain unique and individual, irrespective of which language: spoken, written, or astrological, one chooses to use to read or tell a person’s story in; and that even if the world would argue that some languages would do that more poetically or eloquently than others, in the end all the different languages inevitably read or tell the same, unique story per individual.

Various charts and calculations referred to in the Astro-Guide were made using the Tropical zodiac, Placidus or Whole Sign house systems, and using Jean Cremer’s ‘Planet Dance’ free astrology software.

A full list of astrology and football References used for the four-part Astro-Guide is available on request.

[Image: Beckham’s name superimposed on Beckham’s Natal Chart in Black; The Astrology Enthusiasts’ Astro-Guide to the Netflix Documentary Series, ‘Part Four’, Cigno Astro Logo; Astrology SA Logo]
[Image Credit: Deborah-Anne Swanepoel – Cigno Astro]

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Picture of Deborah-Anne Swanepoel

Deborah-Anne Swanepoel

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