Movement of the Planets for June 2024

The planetary movement for June 2024 begins with all planets forming a Stellium in Gemini, where they move faster than usual. We end up with a Stellium of planets in Cancer, with Saturn, the outer planet, turning station Retrograde. Mercury enters its sign, followed by a New Moon, and Mars and Venus change signs into Taurus and Cancer, respectively. Then Mercury enters Cancer, followed by the Sun into a Full Moon.

On June 3, Mercury enters the sign it rules, and Mercury is prominently positioned here in Gemini, the sign it rules, suggesting an agile mind that is receptive to ideas and experimentation. Verbal and mental acuity may more than make up for a person’s lack of conviction and perseverance, and facts become more important. and Check your moral bias when stating your opinions.

The New Moon on 6 June in Gemini is when we become more restless it is a great time to practice adaptability and versatility. Gemini gives us the ability to reflect and accommodate different perspectives. You can nurture others by showing interest in them, active listening, and clear communication. You may feel curious to try different things, various menus, and foods, or experiment with various snacks.

Mars enters Taurus on 9 June, a bit of imposter syndrome, competition, and striving are key, during this period, motivated by the need to be secure or secure material things. There is a strong desire to accumulate and a tremendous drive to success. Ensure that goals are realistic to see the results of your efforts. Do not get in your own way, or push through, even if you are determined sometimes you win by just showing up, do not resist change it may be beneficial in the long run.

Venus enters Cancer on 17 June and brings with it kindness and sympathy, with the expression of true love and affection. It is a great time to cultivate encouraging emotions. We can all do with a bit of reminiscence, do not let fear of the future hinder the progress that has been made thus far. Everyone needs to feel secure in their relationship and avoid letting this develop into a suffocating atmosphere.

Mercury enters Cancer on the same day 17 June, even though nostalgia is high and tempts our fears when planning. Do not get into your head around the new plans and make a mountain of a molehill. Write things down, or create a memory board, about good times. Bring kindness and empathy into your memories and do self-care and nurturing, while you plan.

The Sun’s ingress into Cancer on 22 June, adding to the fears, and emotional energy Venus and Mercury are worrying about. We have a strong urge to care about others or objects, We begin June with all planets forming a Stellium in Gemini, where they move faster than usual. We end up with a Stellium of planets in Cancer with Saturn the Outer planet turning Station Retrograde. Mercury enters its sign followed by a new Moon, and Mars and Venus change signs into Taurus and Cancer respectively. Then Mercury enters Cancer followed by the Sun into a Full Moon.

On 3 June Mercury enters the sign it rules. Mercury is prominently positioned here in the rulership sign, suggesting an agile mind that is receptive to ideas and experimentation. Verbal and mental acuity may more than make up for a person’s lack of conviction and perseverance. Facts become more important and check your moral bias when stating your opinions.

The New Moon on 6 June in Gemini is when we become more restless, it is a great time to practice adaptability and versatility. Gemini gives us the ability to reflect and accommodate different perspectives. You can nurture others by showing interest in them, active listening, and clear communication. You may feel curious to try different things, menus, or foods, and experiment with various snacks.

Mars enters Taurus on 9 June, a bit of imposter syndrome thus competition and striving are key during this period, motivated by the need to be secure or secure material things. There is a strong desire to accumulate, and a tremendous drive to success. Ensure that goals are realistic to see the results of your efforts. Don’t get in your way, or push through, even if you are determined sometimes you win by just showing up, don’t resist change it may be beneficial in the long run.

Venus enters Cancer on 17 June, and brings kindness and sympathy, with the expression of true love, and affection. This is a great time to cultivate encouraging emotions. We can all do with a bit of reminiscence but do not let fear of the future hinder the progress that has been made. Everyone needs to feel secure in their relationship but do not let this develop into a suffocating atmosphere.

Mercury enters Cancer on the same day 17 June even though nostalgia tempts our fears when planning. Don’t get into your head around the new plans and make a mountain of a molehill. Write things down, or create a memory board, about good times. Bring kindness and empathy into your memories and nurture yourself, when you plan.

The Sun’s ingress into Cancer on 22 June, adds to the caring, sensitive, and emotional energy Venus and Mercury are worrying about. We have a strong urge to care about others or objects. We can permit ourselves to be loving, intuitive, imaginative, protective, and sympathetic. Despite being a touch too moody, and overemotional, it just shows that we need to nurture ourselves.

Full Moon period on 22 June with the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn and we need to watch out for that melancholy that brings fear of the future and wants to make us hide in our pod and watch the world go by, feeling sorry for ourselves. This is a time when we can calmly react to situations and people, and keep curbing our emotional responses to a minimum, “whatever will be will be”. Biding our urge to fulfil our aspirations and ambitions.

Saturn turning Station retrograde on 29 June According to Erin Sullivan, “Station Retrograde constitutes a short circuit that can deprive the individual of the potential to externalize the energy inherently associated with the stationing planet”. Saturn creates limitations in our charts and has been transiting Pisces for a while now, bringing us a softer energy around Saturn. We can look at where we have gone wrong in terms of limiting ourselves and experiment with new boundaries during this retrograde period.

Fixed Stars to look out for during the Cancer period are Sirius, Castor, and Pollux. Sirius part of the Canis Major and has an extremely positive influence, it brings honor, fame, and wealth. Castor and Pollux are twins that are part of the Gemini constellation, they bring in the duality of creativity. Castor brings a keen intellect, whereas Pollux brings the pain dimension of creativity, sometimes called the heartless Judge, of self-criticism.

If you live in the Southern Hemisphere keep warm and cozy and in the Northern Hemisphere, remember your sunblock when going outdoors. Take care and be safe for those who are experiencing difficult times, we are sending you lots of love and nurturing. We can be loving, intuitive, imaginative, protective, and sympathetic. Despite being too moody, and overemotional, it just shows that we need to nurture ourselves.

The Full Moon period on 22 June with the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn, and we need to watch out for that melancholy that brings fear of the future and wants to make us hide in our pod and watch the world go by, feeling sorry for ourselves. However, we can calmly react to situations and people and keep curbing our emotional responses to a minimum, “whatever will be will be” biding our urge to fulfill our aspirations and ambitions.

Saturn turning station retrograde on 29 June and according to Erin Sullivan, “Station Retrograde constitutes a short circuit that can deprive the individual of the potential to externalize the energy inherently associated with the stationing planet”. Saturn creates limitations in our charts and has been transiting Pisces for a while bringing us a softer energy around Saturn. We can look at where we have gone wrong, limiting ourselves, and experiment with new boundaries during this retrograde period.

Fixed Stars to look out for during the Cancer period are Sirius, Castor, and Pollux. Sirius is part of the Canis Major, an extremely positive influence, it brings honor, fame, and wealth. While Castor and Pollux are twins that are part of the Gemini constellation, they bring in the duality of creativity. Castor brings a keen intellect, whereas Pollux brings the pain dimension of creativity, sometimes called the heartless judge, of self-criticism.

If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, keep warm and cozy, and in the Northern Hemisphere, remember your sunblock when going outdoors. Take care and be safe for those experiencing difficult times we are sending you lots of love and nurturing.


Parkers’ Astrology by Julia and Derek Parker

Retrograde Planets by Erin Sullivan

The Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology by Vivian Robson

The Contemporary Astrologers Handbook by Sue Tompkins

Photo by Pexels-Tobiabjorkli-1819650

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About the author

Picture of Clesia van Zyl

Clesia van Zyl

Studied Rectification under Laurie Naughtin.
Completed Professional Diploma in Astrology from Rod Suskin School of Astrology.
Tarot readings, Dream Analysis, Certified Life Coach.
Spiritual Teacher and Vibrational Healer.

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