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Laurie Ann Naughtin

Astrologer specialized in traditional, horary, and election astrology. Also experienced in magic and weather astrology. Principal and teacher at Sublunar Astrology Academy. Additionally, a tarot teacher and reader.

Laurie Naughtin brings her sensitivity, rich life experience and extensive knowledge to every client with whom she consults, combining both a medical and metaphysical past with her astrological talents.

Qualified in Modern, Medieval and the Craft of Horary, Laurie is an eternal student, currently focusing on the Tradition.

Laurie started her studies in 1998 coinciding with her Uranus opposition, a brilliant time for any Astrologer. She started practicing in 2004, launched Sublunar Astrology Academy in 2006.

Laurie is the founder of Sublunar Academy of Astrology where beginners, traditional and modern astrology, advanced astrology skills, rectification and internationally accredited horary courses are offered.

Laurie started her studies with Anita Noyes-Smith, Medieval with Robert Zoller, advanced astrological studies including time rectification and relocation with Jeanette Martins, Horary with Jacqueline Brook and completed her Consulting skills course with ISAR in 2012.

Laurie has qualified through Christopher Warnock Renaissance Astrology in both Traditional Magic and Election Astrology courses.

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